Master Your Message


your message so that you finally get the results

you've been working so hard for

Watch the recordings of a

3-part live workshop

with Angela Durrant

For “purpose-preneurs” - coaches, speakers, educators - anyone who has a mission they’re passionate about, out to transform people’s lives

Your Message isn't landing the way you hoped it would

Something is missing, but the missing piece isn't obvious

No, you haven't been winging it.

You've done countless client avatar exercises because you understand, of course, that you can't craft a powerful message if you don't know who you're talking to.

You've taken courses (more than you care to remember 🤪) to help you figure out your message. You know how important it is to talk about what you do in a way that resonates with your ideal clients.

You do the work. You post on social media, you go to networking events, you seek out podcast guest and other speaking engagements to become visible to "your people".

But the frustrating truth is that you're not making enough money for all the effort you're putting in.

It's time for a different approach

You know perfectly well that WHAT GOT YOU HERE WON'T GET YOU THERE. It's time to look beyond quick fixes and magic bullets.

Let's go beyond ..

  • Beyond client avatar exercises

  • Beyond digging into people's pain points

  • Beyond the perfect LinkedIn bio and other flavour of the month tactics

  • Beyond the self-doubt you might be feeling

Master Your Message

In 3 live and interactive days together, we will


your message so that you finally

get the results you've been working so hard for.

If you've been working on getting your message right, you know that it's one of those things that are really hard to do on your own. "You can't read the label when you're sitting in the jar."

That's why I'll work WITH you, live on Zoom, so you get that second pair of eyes, that new perspective that helps you see YOUR missing piece and finally Master Your Message.


In order to be able to measure the progress you'll make as a result of the changes you'll implement, we need to take stock of what you currently have - how do you talk about your work, what's working and what isn't. It's what we'll do on day 1.

Having a closer look at that alone tends to offer invaluable insights when you're guided through the process by an expert who knows how to ask the right questions.


On day 2 we'll redefine what it means to Master Your Message.

We're going to dig deep and redefine the parameters of how you're doing business and what you actually need to be doing to get the business you want.

A powerful shift in perspective that opens up countless new opportunities.

You'll be able to connect the dots in a whole new way.


On day 3 you'll craft your new message.

Maybe it'll be radically different from what you put out now.

Maybe you'll find a subtle shift is all it takes to make a massive difference to how people respond to you.

You'll walk away with a powerful message that expresses the true essence of your work and makes your ideal clients raise their hands to work with you.

Imagine posting on social media and having people reach out to you asking how they can work with you.

Imagine being a guest on podcasts or speaking at summits and have people download your lead magnet, or get in touch with you to find out more about you and your work.

Imagine going to networking events and leaving with 1:1 follow-up calls in the calendar and introductions to new potential clients.

All of that happens easily and naturally when you have mastered your message.

So how does it work?

For 3 days, at the same time each day, we meet live on Zoom for a 1 hour hands-on, interactive workshop.

The calls will be recorded so you can catch up if you miss a day, or if you want to listen in again.

You'll also be invited to a pop-up Facebook group where you can ask your questions and share your insights with other participants.

My Mission Is Simple

To help you become more of who you really are.

I’m Angela Durrant and I have done all of the hard work learning about visibility so that you don’t have to struggle.

I have been a stage performer for 27 years, ran a private vocal coaching studio for 8 years and a corporate and training business called Maverick Communication.

My uncle was the famous U.K. entertainer and film star George Formby.

And I have a mission.

To inspire and empower you to discover your voice and lead from your light. To empower you to be able to communicate with your soul and skills and to support you to be your best self even under pressure.

All content Copyright The Visible Club 2023